07. Creative Thinking

Now we are going to discuss about creative thinking. In your aptitude test for Architecture they will test your creative thinking. If you are a creative thinker you can easily pass with best results. But don't worry. There are lot of ways to develop your creative thinking. I will put some few ways. Practice daily. You will be a creative thinker.

01. Explore media outside your comfort zone.
Creative minds are to change. If you only consume a certain kind of media or entertainment, you are limiting yourself. You will not be exposed to new things and ideas, which can result in a lack of original, creative thought.

02. Create something small every day.
Creativity is like any other skill. You get better with practice. If you want to increase your capacity for creative thoughts, work on creating something everyday.

03. Walk
Studies indicate that walking actually improve creative thoughts. Many people feel they get their best thinking done when they are going to walk. Try to schedule a 20 to 30 minute walk each day. This can lead to greater creativity.

04. Figure out your peak hours.
Many people feel more energetic or creative at certain hours of the day. For example, you may feel compelled to write poet when you first getup in the morning. Or, you may suddenly feel the urge to paint at 10 O' clock at night. Pay attention to your thought patterns and energy levels throughout the day to figure out your peak hours.

05. Seek out inspiration.
Surround yourself with inspiring material. If you want to be more creative, you should expose yourself to work that inspires you. Read a book of poetry recommended by a friend. Watch a critically acclaimed series. 

All these things will encourage you to think more creatively. Follow these steps in your day today life. You will become a creative thinker.

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