
What is Architecture?. Architecture is a service done to the people creating a good design within the allocated space. Architecture consist of  two part. One is Design. Other one is Communication. An architect always plays with spaces. Every architect will create their design by considering the spaces allocated to them. After that he/she must communicate that design with the client, constructor, builder, etc. This is not an easy process. But every architect has their own way of communication. 
"Architecture can not be explained, it must be experienced."

What do mean by History of Architecture?.. It is a record of man's effort to build beautifully. It traces the origin, growth and decline of architectural styles which have prevailed lands and ages. What do you understand about Historic Styles of Architecture?..The particular method, the characteristics, manner of design which prevails at a certain place and time.

Six influences of Architecture.
1. Geographical
2. Geological
3. Climatic
4. Religious
5. Social
6. Historical

Four Great Constructive Principles
1. Post & Lintel Construction
2. Arch & Vault Construction
3. Corbel or Cantilever Construction
4. Trussed Construction

The Historical Timeline of Architecture

01. Pre-Historic 

Direct human ancestors evolved in Africa from 2.3 million years ago. They were also called as Homo habilis, Homo erectus, homo sapiens, homo sapiens sapiens. The success of the human race was largely due to the development of tools which were made of stone, wood and bone. Read more »

02. Indian

Here is the third great civilization to emerge in a fertile river valley known as Indus river around 2500 BC. Now present it is in Pakistan and Northwest India. Major cities were Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa at that time.  Each city was ruled by priest-kings, citadels atop the city. But it lasted only 800 years. Read more »

03. Chinese 

This is the only ancient civilization that has continued to this day Because of the succession of emperors and dynasties and warring states.In 1750 BC, a kingdom emerged in the middle reaches of the Yellow River in China which was ruled by Shang Dynasty. Read more »

04. Japanese

It was created in the 3rd century AD by ancestors of the present emperor. By 7th century Japan was divided into provinces each with a ruler. Feudalism, with a caste system of emperor and nobles, military, people prevailed during that time. Read more »

05. Sri Lankan
06. Filipino

07. Near East

08. Egyptian

09. Greek

10. Roman

11. Early Christian

12. Islamic

13. Byzantine

14. Romanesque

15. Gothic

16. Renaissance

17. 18th-19th C. Revival

18. 20th C. Modern

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