16. Aptitude Test - 2018

Hello friends, This is a new type of paper when compared with 2017. Section 1 of this paper has four questions and Section 2 with 30 MCQs will be given one hour before closing time. Don't worry if the questions increase you can score more marks but you have to do all the question with in the time. That is the only challenge you have, but if you practise you can do it quickly. Now let's discuss the paper.

Question No.1
This question test your drawing skills and your creative ideas in drawing the given figure. This question is like grade 1 drawing question but here you must use your creativity in drawing. You can show trees, buildings, river, group of children or whatever you like where it is natural or built environment. Finally the whole drawing should expressed as one drawing. You  can not see a seperation between you have drawn and printed. It means the final drawing should express a good composition. The below is a prototype type answer where the highlighting part in this drawing is the person with one hand. Like this you can try with different ideas. Let's see question 2.
Question No.2
This question looks like a normal general question, but behind every part they will test your skills. Part A test your general knowledge and drawing skills and Part B test your creative ideas in illustrating a drawing and Part C test your creativity, innovative ideas and drawing skills. All together this question test your time management in the exam. 
Below you can see the prototype answer, but you have to create your own innovative ideas for this. Follow the steps that we have discussed in 2017, 2016 past paper for a design question like this. Follow those steps to answer the question very well.  
Question No.3
This question is look like a grade 5 scholarship exam question, but the you have to answer in a creative way for this to score full marks. The answer for this question is like a key word for the picture. For example if I give the facebook symbol for this question, you can answer like using the key words facebook, social media, communication, knowledge. This is how you can answer this question. What I am trying to tell with you is, they are testing you in this question whether are you thinking or not to bring a sentense to one key word. The given below is one type of answer but for every person answer may vary but it should connect with the picture given.
Question No.4
This question is like 2015 Question one. If you practise that question you can answer it very well. Location A,B,C are river, mountain range and forest and a town area. You want to write a short sentense about your feelings when you walk along these location. For this part you have to imagine a place you visited recently for every location and write your feelings. For example if you visit a river you hear the sound of water flowing continously. Like that in a mountain range and forest you can feel a calmness in your soul and also in a town you can feel a stress every day. Like this you can write whatever the feelings you have in your mind. This question test your imagination and your english skill.
Below is just a prototype answer. Look at this and write your own experience in that places. This is a wonderful question I have never seen before from all past paper. Try to explain your answer with your basic english. If you are finding difficulties in english try to write the important key word with your basic english.
Next you want to draw the view from a location that you like most. You must draw it in perspective. This question will test your drawing skills and creativity. 
Section 2

If you compare the 2017 section 2 with this paper the format of the question has been changed, but still they are testing your imagination skill. So don't afraid when the question format change. Still this question looks like grade 5 scholarship question. Remember what you have learnt in scholarship or just refer the scholarship paper. The questions are very easy, but allocate 2 minutes for every question and complete within the time. Practise the Indian Aptitude paper and other countries architecture aptitude paper for this type of questions.  Best wishes for your exam see you all in next paper.
Wish you a success in exam.

1 comment:

  1. Brother can you explain about the glass box question it little hard to understand.can you please upload a video in youtube about this question.it will be more helpful.thankyou.


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