09. Aptitude Test Papers - II

Now we are going to discuss about the method of answering the questions.
Let's discuss Question No.1
At first think differently when you design a structure. That's the creative thinking. Here when you begin to draw you must consider the measurements that are provided in the question. You must take a scale approximately and draw the structure. And also you must draw it in three dimension using the perspective idea. Use colour pencil to draw these structures. Because it will save your time.

When you are explaining a design solution and constructional process don't write long sentences and paragraphs. I will explain this briefly in next post.
Now let's discuss Question no.2
Here you must answer all 30 questions within one hour. All questions are made for you to test your creativity. In these questions first select easy part and do it. It will save your time. Don't miss any questions.

Follow these techniques when you answer the questions. Join with us.

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