


It was created in the 3rd century AD by ancestors of the present emperor. By 7th century Japan was divided into provinces each with a ruler. Feudalism, with a caste system of emperor and nobles, military, people prevailed during that time. More powerful were the shoguns or warrior lords where each fighting with each other. 

In 1603 AD, under the shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa, Japan was united and brought to peace. The Tokugawa dynasty ruled for 250 years. In 16th century, Portuguese traders came to trade and Christian missionaries came to convert the Japanese. Due to the threatened shoguns expelled foreigners, killed Christian converts, stopped trade, closed Japan to the outside world until 19th century. But they had little contact with Europe. 

Main religion prevailed during this period was Buddhism. 

It is in off the eastern coast of China and Asian mainland. Principal island is Honshu, and smaller islands are at North and South.  Frequently earthquakes & volcanoes occurs in this country. But this is a hilly and forested country. It has valuable Stone, timber and bamboo. 


• Shinto temples and Buddhist temples

Featured the torii gateways
• Monumental, free-standing gateways to a Shinto shrine
• Derived from the Chinese pai-lou
• Two upright pillars or posts supporting 2 or more horizontal beams, usually curving upward
• Worshippers have to pass under this for prayers to be effective


• Derived from the Chinese pagoda
• Square plan
• Mostly 5 storeys, 45 m in height
• Virtually suspended around a central timber (stable against earthquake shocks)
• Wide projecting roofs to each storey, subtly curved

• No other architecture reveals the structural and aesthetic qualities of wood
• Unpainted wood without any surface treatment 

Typical 1-storey rectangular plan:
• Vestibule
• Veranda, engawa
• Living and dining
• Guest rooms
• Recess for flowers and art
• Rooms for host and hostess
• No distinction between living and sleeping apartments
• Room determined by tatami or floor coverings 1 x ½ ken(1.8 x 0.9 m)

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